Admirals and relatives, sometimes called ‘gliders’ (Limenitidinae), are butterflies common in woody areas. They belong to the family of Brush-footed butterflies (Nymphalidae). The common names of many species reference military ranks. In particular, the light stripe running lengthwise across many species’ wings has reminded earlier authors of officers’ shoulder marks. The upper side of the wing is dark brown or black with a white band and a few white spots. Only 5 species occur in Europe.
Tribe: Limenitidini
Genus: Limenitis
White Admiral – 2019 (NL)
(NCBI-index: 270466)
The advantage of visiting other regions is that you also encounter other species of butterflies I do not encounter in the North of the Netherlands. In Gelderland, I was very happy to encounter the White Admiral (Limenitis camilla). A butterfly with high contrast in colours when you look at the top and underside of the wings. The top is dark brown in the female and black in the male, with a row of concatenated white oblong spots. The underside is orange-brown with a double row of black hem and moon spots. Also, on the underside is a row of consecutive white oblong spots. It has a distinctive and delicate flight with short periods of wing beats followed by long glides. The wingspan is 60-64mm. The flight period is in one, sometimes two, generations from June to September. Host plant: Honeysuckle and Wild Berries. Dutch name: Kleine ijsvogelvlinder. Frisian name: Lytse iisfûgelflinter.
Flying period:

Tribe: Neptini
Genus: Neptis
Common Glider – 2010 (JP)
(NCBI-index: 270468)
The Common Glider (Neptis Sappho) is a butterfly that flies very locally in Southeastern Europe in two generations from May to August. The forewing is elongated, with a row of white seam spots on the fore and hindwing on both the top and underside. Host plant: Black Pea and Spring Pea. Dutch name: Lathyruszwever. Frisian name: –