Heliothinae is a rather small subfamily of the Owlet Moths (Noctuidae) with approximately 400 recorded species.
Genus: Pyrrhia
Bordered Sallow – 2018 (NL)
(NCBI-index: 753223)
A well-recognized day and night active moth is the Bordered Sallow (Pyrrhia umbra). The basic color of this moth is orange or orange-yellow. The marginal area, the wide outer field along the termen, and the fringe are pinkish brown. This darker field is separated from the rest of the wing by a dark brown transverse line. In addition to this transverse line, several dark transverse lines are present, with the median line visible between the oval and kidney marks being noticeably serrated. The oval and kidney marks have the same color as the wing and are reddishly outlined. The hindwing is yellowish with a broad black band in the hem field and a large dark crescent-shaped spot. The flight time is in one generation from May to September and the wingspan is 32-38mm. Host plant: Common and Spiny Restharrow. Dutch name: Oranje o-vlinder. Frisian name: –
Flying period: