The Autostichid Moths (Autostichidae) are a very small family. Only three types are known for the Netherlands. Adult moths rest almost flat against the ground, the wings partially overlap and the antennae lie back over the wings. The forewings are fairly narrow and have a rounded apex. They are mainly black with pale yellow transverse bands. The head has soft scales. The antennae are filamentous and about 2/3 the length of the forewing. The palps are long and curved upwards in front of the face.
Subfamily: Symmocinae
Genus: Oegoconia
Scarce Obscure – 2019 (NL)
(NCBI-index: 753209)
The Scarce Obscure (Oegoconia deauratella) is the first of the Autostichid Moths I spotted. While inspecting the moth trap, this little moth was almost unnoticeable. The moth can be recognized by the light bands on the dark forewing and the white apex. The males often have dark hair on the head and the females are light in color. Normally, the Scarce Obscure is found indoors, but sometimes also outside when there is wood storage somewhere. The flying period is from May to August and the wingspan is 11-15mm. Host plant: Plant waste, dead insects. Dutch name: Witte dominomot. Frisian name: –
Flying period: